Registration is now open for the 41-year AHS class of 1981 class reunion to be held in 2022. Click AHS 1981 class website for more information
Message from Angela (Bendorf) Jamison:
Update on Reunion
we were supposed to have our AHS of 1981 40th Reunion this weekend -- June 25 & 26, 2021 in Ames BUT in a survey taken by our class, the majority opted to move our reunion to 2022. It is rescheduled for Friday, June 24 and Saturday, June
25, 2022. You can register now for our 2022 reunion and see all the details on our website. If you didn't get the survey, please update your profile on the website including your email and physical mailing address. We hope everyone
who planned to attend this year will plan to attend in June 2022!