Page 1 AHSAA 1991 v2 i2 Spring Summer Newsletter

Scanned by Ed Hendrickson Jr July 2007. Scroll down for image and OCR text

1991 page 1 AHS spring-summer Newsletter volume 2 issue 2

1991 page 1 Ames High School Alumni Assoc. spring-summer newsletter volume 2 issue 2

Page 1 Volume 2, Issue 2, Spring - Summer 1991 AHS Alumni Association Newsletter

Scanned image page 1 AHSAA 1991 newsletter above upArrow gif: 1991 Newsletter image near top of page

OCR text below

RALLY in Walker, Minnesota

The second annual "Rendezvous at Leech Lake Y'all" (RALLY) will be Monday, August 5, 1991. The time is 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. and place is the City Park just east of downtown Walker along Leech Lake's south shore. Refreshments will be served.

We expect over 100 alums after the smashing success of last year and the interest generated for this year. It's a happening and will be the place to be on August 5.

Last August Arnold Bates AHS '46 was our lost list although he was at home a few blocks away. On our "Wanted" list for this year is Sheila Grant Moe AHS '55, a full time resident of nearby Park Rapids. Let's have a large turnout in August at the "RALLY"!

Jennifer Jones AHS '91, a winner

Jennifer Jones is a winner! She wins through her involvement in many phases of school, community and business life. AHSAA has awarded Jones the second annual AHAA scholarship of $500 given to a student exemplifying the best in an all around Ames High graduate.

After graduation on May 28 Jones will work this summer at a local shoe store. Then it's off to St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minn. to study Spanish and international relations.

While at Ames High she was senior class president, co-spokesperson for her fellow honor graduates at the honors banquet (see the speech 7 elsewhere in this issue), editor of the Spirit and staff writer for the Web. She was on junior and senior senate and student council.

She served on a committee that assisted with mainstreaming the Willson-Beardshear students into Ames High. Meanwhile she worked part. time at the shoe store.

In addition to our scholarship Jones was State of Iowa Scholar, won a Presidential Academic Fitness Award, was a National Merit Commended Student, won an English Department Scholarship/Service Award, was a Central College Presidential scholar and won a Central College Foreign Language Scholarship.

Congratulations to a winner from the AHS class of 1991, Jennifer Jones!

Alumni Band

caption of AHS Alumni Band photo - see photo above column 1, bottom left of p1 1991 AHSAA newsletter 1 upArrow image icon gif

Alumni Band Organized for Alumni Event - Terry Adams '55 gathered musicians who graduated from Ames High to play with the Pep Band at the March 1 Alumni Jamboree. Pictured (front row, left to right) are: Marjorie Shaw '70, Elizabeth Moore '83 . (second row, left to right) Norma Dowell AHS '76, Janet Dowell Lott AHS '73, Diana Dowell Madsen AHS '67, Nancy Hegland Sedgwick AHS '61, Paula Burns Anderson AHS '68, Bob Adams AHS AHS '94. (back row, left to right) Phil Iverson AHS '83, Paul Searls AHS '85, Rich Voelker AHS '85, Terry Adams AHS AHS '55, Sue Trexel Verkade AHS '65. (Terry's the one you can't see!)

Memorial Day Parade

caption of Memorial Day Parade photo - see photo above column 2, bottom middle of page 1 1991 AHSAA newsletter upArrow icon gif

Memorial Day Parade - At the suggestion of an alumnus, AHAA asked veterans of American wars to ride in Ames' parade. Driver Lowell Deaton AHS'57, Viet Nam vet Gary Wierson AHS '68, and World War II vet Bill Peet AHS '37, are in the front. (Bill is hidden.) In the rear seat are Gale Love AHS '65, Viet Nam era (left) and Charlie McClure AHS '52, Korean War era. In the other photo is Brenda Whetstone AHS '81 , a veteran of the Gulf War. Gary Wierson placed AHSAA's memorial wreath at the monument in the Ames cemetery.

Alummi baseball

July 7, 1991 Once again AHAA will host an all-class event at the annual alumni baseball game Sunday, July 7. Brookside Park in Ames is the place. All Ames High grads and friends are welcome.

Things get rolling with a social hour and/or batting practice at 5:00 p.m. A 6:00 homerun hitting contest follows. At 7:00 the Hall of Fame inductees are announced and AHSAA's honorary alums are named. The alumni game starts at approximately 7:30.

A refreshment stand nm by the Dugout Club will be open.

Two class reunions (196l and 1981) are set for that weekend. We'll expect to see lots of you at the park.

Victory Bell

caption of photo - see photo above in scan of page 1, column 3 of 1991 AHSAA newsletter uparrow gif

(Left to Right ) Principal Ralph Farrar, Barbara Taylor Davidson AHS '38, Carol Carmean Houge AHS '64, and Associate Principal and Honorary Alum Bill Ripp are all smiles over the return of the Ames High - Boone High Victory Bell. It symbolizes the 1951 - 1972 CIC rivalry between the two schools in football. In 22 meetings Ames won 17, tied 2 and lost only 3. Davidson, Houge and President Mary Lokken Jackson '67 traveled to BHS (Boone High School) this spring to collect the bell from a trophy case where an eagle-eyed Ames High grad spotted it earlier this year. During the March 1, 1991 alumni event at the alumni home basketball game Dr. Bob Doran AHS '66 and Mark Speck AHS '69 carried it on to the floor of the gym to the applause of alumni.


Alumni Spotlight pg. 2
Honorary Alum pg. 2
Favorite Alum pg. 2
Reunions pg. 6
We get letters pg. 7

1991 Page 1 volume 2, issue 2, spring - summer AHS Alumni Association Newsletter

Click for large 25 MB image of page 1

Scanned image of page 1 1991 spring-summer AHS Alumni newsletter. OCR to text 5-21-2007 by Ed Hendrickson Jr., using public domain OCR software, Tesseract GUI for Windows v1.1

Thank you Ralph for writing a simple windows GUI for Tesseract also credit to HP for developing Tesseract from 1985 to 1995 and Google for resurrecting Tesseract and releasing to public domain.